
TAMINGOFTHEMOOSE is about following the soul's yearning for a deeper connection to the HUMAN-ANIMAL spirit within. It is about the journey of discovering one's true nature, embracing it and, growing into wholeness.

My name is Fred Cavair Robinson.
I have a curious obsession of words and their meaning. I'm fascinated by metaphysical ideas, symbols and signs. My work is my sacred space for spiritual engagement where I consider and contemplate the big questions in life from a variety of angles and perspectives. I create home living products with metaphysical significance. From the kitchen to the sofa, my lifestyle items inject passion and inspiration into your day.

For me, it began with seeking ways of nurturing my own home living experience by connecting to the Human-Animal spirit within. The Human-Animal spirit is the deep intuitive awareness of what a soul yearns for to feel truly satisfied. Metaphysically, it is the magnetoreception of Human Beings; the subversive effect the Earth's magnetic field has on Human alpha brain waves.

On a metaversal scale, this suggests that mindful positive adjustments within home living lifestyle habits contributes to a feeling of personal authenticity and wholeness. Connecting to the Human-Animal spirit can seem ambiguous and often scary. It is essentially a process of connecting to what expresses deep authenticity within by accepting what can be gone without, thus providing space for a more soulfully aligned experience to grow.

The nature of the Human-Animal spirit is the attraction of knowledge around what is good for oneself to expand. The contemporary digital world can easily oversaturate our brains with stimuli, encouraging confusion and developing a heavy dissonance between what we think and how we feel. Intropection is a bold task. It is a journey of accepting unconscious things about oneself, examining the root of the behavior, and electing to change it for personal betterment. I found the most important thing I could do was honour this quest. 

When I design a home living product, I consider how its most simple everyday experience is attached to the larger whole of nourishing someone's wholeness journey. I am privileged to offer tools that support each person on their unique path towards intropective development and spiritual maturition.

TAMINGOFTHEMOOSE about finding human animal spirit meaning